Mommin' | My Blog

What’s in My Diaper Bag?

April 11, 2017

Hi Friends!

Sorry, long time no chat!

We’ve been busy – we were out of town, house hunting, then moving into our new house!

What Do I Keep in My Diaper Bag?

Today, I was packing my diaper bag, and decided to do a quick little – “What do I keep in my diaper bag?” I’ve seen other Mom bloggers do this and I thought it was very helpful, especially for me when I was a new Mom!

Let’s get started!

Choose a Diaper Bag that fits you!

I love my diaper bag because it has lots of compartments, is machine washable, and is easy to carry! Some bags hurt your shoulders after a while, but honestly this one doesn’t at all! I bought this bag and realized it matched Lily’s infant car seat / stroller combo. I’m a big fan of Graco! They make amazing products that last, and are at a reasonable price.

Be Prepared!

I make sure my diaper bag is always packed, because nothing is worse than being out and about and realizing you don’t have diapers, or extra clothes when your kid gets food all over themselves, has a blowout or throws up!

The Essentials

These are the essentials I have in my diaper bag:

-Light weight Baby blanket.
-Hoodie for Baby.
-Extra clothes for Baby.
(I like to have a short sleeve onesie, long sleeve onesie, pants and socks. You never know what the weather will be like, or if you’re in a freezing restaurant, store or airport. I like to pack clothes that Lily doesn’t wear a lot / aka not her cutest clothes, since they are just back up clothes).
(I pack at least 5 or 6, that way I never run out).
-Pack of baby wipes.
-Disposable changing mats.
(I get these from Babies R Us, they have their own brand, they sell a pack of 36 for $9.99 – they also have bigger mats, but the bigger ones are more expensive. The smaller ones do fine. I love using these when we’re out and I have to change Lily’s diaper in a restaurant, the airport or some public place – don’t want to spread germs, kids get sick enough as it is).
-Hand sanitizer.
-We also keep a few grocery bags in our diaper bag for disposing of diapers.
-Extra clothes for me.
(I keep a light weight outfit for myself too, you never know when you’ll get messy from your kid! In the early days, Lily use to spit up so much! I just pack leggings, a tank top, and a cotton t-shirt – super easy light weight outfit and doesn’t add weight or bulk to my bag).

Don’t Forget Drinks & Snacks!

This is pretty much the essentials of my diaper bag. As far as snacks, drinks and toys go – I usually throw snacks in my purse and a board book for Lily. There’s handy side compartments on my diaper bag for drinks.

Adjust For your own Baby’s needs & age

Depending on the age of your Baby / Toddler you will need more or less. This is what I carry on a daily basis. When we are traveling, I carry a lot more – like Desitin, Tylenol, thermometer, nail clippers. When Lily was younger, I would carry my nursing cover and burp cloths.  If you are bottle feeding / breast feeding you can alter your bag to fit yours and your baby’s needs.

I hope this helped you. If you have any tips on what you carry in your diaper bag, leave a comment below! Mommas helping Mommas is the way to go!! Also Dads! Dads now a days rock at takin’ care of their Babies too!

I’ll do a review on some more baby products on my next blog.

See you next time!


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