Inspiration | My Blog

Be Grateful For Today

March 20, 2017

“Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, better.

Life will always be complicated.

Learn to be happy right now.

Otherwise, you’ll run out of time.” -Unknown

Hi Friends!

Happy Monday!

I love motivational and inspirational quotes – and thought I’d share this quote with you today.

They say when it rains, it pours! I have a very blessed life – but it hasn’t always been easy! Our family has had some rough patches where it seriously felt like everything just kept falling apart all at once and it was not just raining, but storming – we just had to laugh, what else could we do! But I always found when the going gets tough, you realize that you are tougher – and you got this!!!

“You never know

how STRONG you are

until being STRONG

is the only

CHOICE you have.” -Unknown


I just want to say, no matter what situation you’re in – you can do it!! Choose to be happy, and find the blessings in the little things.

I want to share an example with you from my personal life the other day (this is a simple everyday situation, nothing dramatic or too personal, lol) –  our daughter had been sick, fussy, and has been waking several times at night and early in the mornings. I have been trying to get sleep, keep the house clean etc etc… (I know you parents can relate). I had been preparing her food and cooked for her earlier in the day, and she didn’t want to eat anything – anyone who has a child can understand how frustrating it is to cook a meal just for your child – and they don’t want to eat it… anyways, I decide to get food to go for dinner. During our drive, I saw a family at the bus stop – during my earlier life, as a child we weren’t as fortunate – we had to take the bus, we didn’t have a car, at one point we were homeless… so looking at that family – reminded me of how blessed I am now. Seeing this family at the bus stop at dinner time made me think – wow, when will they get home to have dinner, what time will their kids get to bed, do they have a home? I thought to myself, we have a car, a comfortable home in a safe neighborhood, gas to get us to where we need to go, food in the fridge, money to get food, and we have each other, our health and so much more.

I don’t know each one of your personal situations – but each of us, has something, even one thing to be thankful for. I remember seeing a video before – there was a man in an average car looking at another man next to him in a sports car, he thought, I wish I was him; another man was on a bike, next to the man in the average car, he thought I wish I could be him; another man was waiting at the bus stop looking at the man on the bike, wishing he could be him; then, there was a handicapped man looking outside his home window, thinking I wish I could be him.

You never know how blessed you are, until you see someone less fortunate, or are in less fortunate situation yourself. Choose to be happy and thankful today! Count your blessings and enjoy today! Tomorrow isn’t promised, our health isn’t promised, our jobs, money, nothing is guaranteed. Be grateful for all your loved ones, and the little things in your life & I promise you will have a much happier life with this positive and grateful attitude and outlook.

I hope this gave you some insight and hopefully some inspiration to count the blessings in your life.

If you are reading this – you are blessed more than you know, because you CAN READ & you have the technology available to read this.

I hope you have an amazing week – keep your head up and a smile on your face! Remember you are too blessed to be stressed! Plus, you’re just pretty awesome – so there’s that too. LOL.


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